Delphinia, Goddess of Creation, is a variant of Delphina. The feminine form of Delphinus which meant “of Delphi” Delphi was a city of ancient Greece. Delphi also had a place in pagan mythology alluding to the very formation of the universe and subsequently, the heavens, planets, nature. man and animals. Delphi was inhabited by Gods who rode the seas of time on Dolphins. In the formation of the human spirit Delphinia was given the task of infusing all the elements of creativity into that spirit. She was the only daughter of Zanno the great architect of Nature. As a child she loved to paint and through her fathers tutorage came to know all the hidden secrets behind the formations of form and beauty. Great as her fathers creation of nature was, Delphinia had her own vision, to find the elements that combined to give freedom to create new form endlessly, forever. She had been promised by her father to become the wife of Tryphon the son of Nephosis but even though she loved Tryphon she hid herself deep in her fathers creation of Nature in order to fulfill the task given her by God. Finally after eons of time Delphinia emerged from the forest of Nature enveloped and radiant with colors. Her beauty and form changing, flowing into unknown shapes, merging into itself and out into the universe. Before Gods eyes Delphinia had become herself the fullfillment of her task. And God immediately infused her into the human spirit and spoke these words. “From this eon forever, the human spirit shall enshroud the gift of creative freedom and the joy and beauty Delphinia found for it”.
From Greek Mythology, in Homer’s epic the Odyssey, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus. She was forced to fend off suiters while Odysseus was fighting in Troy. Her struggle to free herself from the clutches of captors represents the paradox of the male and female energies in magnetic attraction and yet struggling to be free.
In pre-Pagan Mythology Ellaplume adorned the homes of all people. She is a feminine Talisman embracing the male within her in a rhythmic and pulsating dance holding and releasing the male form as one half of her being.
Even before all the Mythologies was the story of a Goddess born not of Gods but from Nature. She was the love child of an ancient and resplendent full moon as it shone upon a massive Oak that extended over and above the great Ajnlusian Sea. Her form entwined in the heavens and encircled stars. Many Gods fell in love with her strange and dangerous beauty and thus even they feared her spell upon them. Finally she left the heavens and returned back to nature where she herself fell deeply in love with the God of form Ninastapheles who had been exiled eons before for his many heavenly Love octagons.
Is the feminine form of the Latin Seaphinus derived from Seriphim, Hebrew in origin meaning “fiery ones”. Seraphim in the Bible were an order of Angels having six or more wings. Angels are found also in the Quran and as spiritual beings in many religious traditions. Seraphina are 8 or more winged angels who flew vertically, rapidly rotating their bodies while radiating infinite color waves and subtle flickering musical sounds from their wings. They are spiritual beings that come as messengers to protect, guide and also fascinate children. Children do not speak of them and come to forget them as adults as these Seraphina belong only to the world of delight which most adults come to forget.
In Ancient Mythology is a spirit place of creation, not where Gods inhabited but rather a universal knowledge of native peoples. In that place from the beginning of time the gift of creation has been given in birth to all children and allowed to endlessly evolve its lines, forms and colors without any restraint, rule or fixed meaning. And so it is that all children demand their freedom to create what they feel and want and It is our responsibility to recognize that innate intelligence.
The Penis of Dionysos, son of Zeus and Semele, Known as the God of fertility and dance lying between the breasts of the nymph Polymnia one of the nine muses and Goddess of sacred songs. And in the purest delight did they together lie throughout the night.
In Greek Creation Myth Humans were created through the union of Uranus the sky and Gala the Earth. Uranus enveloped Gala and fertile rain fell upon her and she gave birth to the physical world and her children. But Even before Uranus and Gala fertile rain has been falling into the womb of life and from that same womb born all the colored and various peoples of the earth. To reach the womb all of natures force gathers and drives the rain with its power, intimacy, rainbows and music in the most wonderful dance of life.
In the process of transmigration souls travel lines that direct their energy toward channels of rebirth. Seen as color, form and essence no two souls are alike and growth is continuous, changing and utterly creative. Channels weave, flow, undulate, cross and join at immense speed and sometimes stop motionless. Within the channels souls join and come apart spinning rapidly through their transformation. As each soul forms through it’s own intelligence toward a desired reincarnation, channels flow together to unite and bring about rebirth.
In near Eastern mythology from the Akkadian meaning “of the night” Lilith was a demon in ancient Assyrian myths. From Jewish myth she was Adam’s first wife sent out of Eden and replaced by Eve because she would not submit to him. Here Lilith tries to escape at night from the clutches of Adam. Far from being a demon, Lilith being pursued against her will acted with courage and dignity and gained her freedom from Adam.
In ancient greek means transformation. Everything transforms even though unseen. In the spirit and energy world, form is in a magical dance transforming itself even as we perceive it. Human perception alters reality according to it’s desire. Imagination is apprehending the inner world of spirit and revealing it’s infinite transmutations.
Little is known about the relationship between Leonardo and the Mona Lisa, reportedly Lisa Del Gioconda the wife of a wealthy silk trader. However there have been various identifications by scholars of who the sitter indeed was. Here in the moonlight, Leonardo with an obvious erection and Mona Lisa smiling at him suggest something more than a commissioned portrait.
The Roman Goddess of fertility and healing, daughter of Faunus. Fauna embodied all the powers of nature, The fecundity of earth, the healing of water and forests, the depths of seas to cleanse, the silence of night to calm and the violet mysteries to enchant the spirit. Fauna live’s still among the stars and in the being of every woman.
An intense sensation of pleasure experienced by males and females. Controlled by the involuntary, autonomic, limbic system. Accompanied by quick cycles of muscle contraction. A general euphoric sensation, body movements and vocalizations. Looking into the energy bodies the radiations of subtle colors, delicate vibratory nuance and powerful radical explosions of erupting forms astonish and render the observer in absolute incomprehensible awe.
Love is a complex endeavor. Its origins are rooted in harmony but the path thereof is multidimensional and strewn with forces of gravitation both equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, Suspended in space the Energy Bodies of love mingle, entwine, convolute, involute, attract, repel, join and pull apart appearing almost indistinguishable as individual bodies in space. However, the great law of autonomy is integral to the matrix, as every body wrests free of the matrix it retains its innate color, form, beauty and unique spirit.
She was an Oceanid and a Nereid, sea nymph and Goddess of the sea in ancient Greek lore. She was one of the 3000 daughters of the Titans, Oceanus and Tethys. She became the wife of Poseidon. Her offspring included seals, dolphins. and a son that was a Merman. Amphitrite as Goddess of the sea inhabits all of the seas. Here she is playing with her sisters near the coral reefs of Crete. She can be seen and heard in the curving motion of waves and through the lapping, spray and surge of the tides. If you embrace her she will protect and carry you afloat in your love of the sea.
In Ancient Greek Mythology She is both a Limnatide, nympth of lakes and an Oceanid, nympth of the sea. She was the daughter of Triton a Libyan sea God. Here she is floating in the salt water lake Tritonis of Libya, North Africa on her back in a rapture with the shimmering colored still waters where she played often as a child and young girl. Since childhood she had a friend with whom she often played but also disputed named Athena. Once during a dispute Athena meaning only to give her a whack accidentally slew Pallas. Maidens then who died of their wounds were considered false virgins no doubt because it was believed the Gods protected the virgins though most likely out of their own ulterior motives.
Erogenous forms derive from fundamental harmonic undulations in nature. Notably the curve. In the beginning or evolution of raw matter lines were suspended in space and allowed to gravitate according to some divine wind or attraction. From this impetus the magnificent curve formed all of living form. Out of these origins lie the irrepressible urge of human desire to return to, enter into and be entered into the very origins of our being.
Is one genus of the flowers of energy bodies which forms itself into both male, female or both joined in one. While it’s forms are in a constant state of transformation It’s petals sometimes resemble the female clitoris and male penis and It is known to resonate with the Clitoria Mariana flower in nature. It is a very rare blossoming among the energy fields and an even rarer chance to glimpse it’s magical transformations.